Saturday, February 7, 2009


My mother is a very innocent and gullible person. She's probably on the level of a three year old in those areas. As much as I love my mom, I sometimes can't pass up taking advantage of her gullible nature.

A few weeks ago, I was listening to "Great Balls of Fire" by Jerry Lee Lewis. My mom walked in to the computer room that I was in to tell me she liked that song.

I turned to her and very seriously said "Did you know this song is about herpes?"

She didn't figure out it wasn't for quite some time.

I'm not entirely sure how one starts a blog, but that little story seemed like a decent way to do so.

My name is Eric.

Online I am Xygni.

Friends call me X.

I have a band called Xygni. I also have video games and a couch, as well as some other less important things.

This is my blog, and it will have things on it. Sometimes there will be stories. Sometimes there will be lists. Sometimes there will be nothing, since the reliability of one's internet connection can vary.

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