Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Bit of Wisdom

Just to explain this, I write down random stuff I hear or think of in notebooks so i don't forget. I found this in a notebook of mine from late last year and thought it was pretty funny. My good friend Chlesea talking about my ex-girlfriend who cheated on me after 3 years of dating:

There was something Chelsea had said about Judi that I have to write down so I don't forget -

It was something along the lines of

"When you are conditioned your entire life to know you're Christian and shouldn't do bad things, you become numb when you end up doing something bad"

To which my mother, in her infinite wisdom, said

"Maybe that's why Catholic schoolgirls are little sluts"

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1 comment:

  1. your ex girlfriend did NOT cheat on you... she wasn't conditioned to be christian, either. she wouldn't cheat on anyone...what ended it was that you both weren't happy.

