Sunday, March 15, 2009

Some Completely Random Thoughts

- Peter Graves should do a movie where he plays a disembodied voice that goes on some adventure to find a diamond of great power. Because Peter Graves’ voice is so awesome that it requires no body to play a lead part in an action flick.

- I think a good name for a book would be “Old Ladies in A Car.” I don’t know what it would be about, though. I would have to think it would be about old ladies in a car, but that’s just too boring. That only works for the title.

- You know the book “Everybody Poops?” I want to write the parent’s companion to it: “Everybody Dreams of Throwing Their Kids in a Dumpster Sometimes.”

- I wanna write a science report called “The Effects of Gamma Rays on Man-In-the-Moon Marigolds,” and see if anyone gets it.

- I think more people should consider the benefits of becoming a cyborg.

- I think they should make razors in the shapes of lawn mowers. It'd make shaving much more interesting.

- Everyone always wonders how someone discovered that you could milk a cow. What about the guy who discovered sex?

- Cesar Chavez sounds like a type of ranch dressing to me. Maybe with almond chunks in it... Also, Mahatma Gandhi sounds like a carpet store.

- I'm so glad not too many people wear yellow clothes.

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